Iš 1970 m. pasirodžiusios knygos “From Those Wonderful Folks Who Gave You Pearl Harbor” (p. 122):
“Maybe we’re in the middle of a recession and we don’t know it. Advertising people can usually predict a recession a lot sooner than the rest of the country. I know when the economy is going to get a little rotten and I can smell it because the advertisers slowly start to pull back. Agency presidents start to get a little more nervous than usual, and the whole pullback works its way down to the copywriters who won’t get hired.”
Taigi ekonmikos Šulijos (reklamščikai), recesijoj sėdim, ar dar ne?
Iš tikrųjų tai šitas įrašas buvo sneak-peakas į šios labai smagios knygos apžvalgą. Krizės metu.
Ar tikrai reikia patvirtinti? 😉